Faszien Teil 2: Lösen der transversalen Faszien­‐Ebenen (oberer Thorax, Zwerchfell, Beckenboden) Ausrichtung der Hals­‐, Brust­‐ und Lendenwirbel mit Gabriella Poli

Gabriella Poli
29.-30. August 2020
Berlin, Deutschland

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Faszien Teil 2: Lösen der transversalen Faszien­‐Ebenen (oberer Thorax, Zwerchfell, Beckenboden) Ausrichtung der Hals­‐, Brust­‐ und Lendenwirbel mit Gabriella Poli

Faszien Teil 2: Lösen der transversalen Faszien­‐Ebenen (oberer Thorax, Zwerchfell, Beckenboden) Ausrichtung der Hals­‐, Brust­‐ und Lendenwirbel mit Gabriella Poli

Lösen der transversalen Faszien­‐Ebenen (oberer Thorax, Zwerchfell, Beckenboden) Ausrichtung der Hals­‐, Brust­‐ und Lendenwirbel – Level 2

-mit Übersetzung-

Vertebras Realignment

In this Second Level students will learn specific Fascia release techniques to realign lumbar, thoracic and cervical vertebras. A peculiarity of these realignment techniques is their total safety for the receiver as only the very special Fascia release light touch will be used.

These techniques have a very deep and global impact on the energetic system of the receiver and therefore particular emphasis will be given to their integration in a Shiatsu session.

Participants will therefore have the opportunity to review and apply the Fascia release techniques learned and experienced during Level 1,

Contents of the Workshop:

–   Specific Fascia release techniques to realign lumbar and thoracic vertebras

–   Specific Fascia release techniques to realign Atlas and Axis

–   Specific Fascia Release techniques to re-align cervical vertebras 3 to 7

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the Workshop, participants will be able to:

–   Diagnose the mis-alignment of cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebras

–   Apply specific techniques to re-align cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebras

–   Integrate these re-alignment techniques into a Shiatsu session

29.-30. August 2020

Faszien Teil 2: Lösen der transversalen Faszien­‐Ebenen (oberer Thorax, Zwerchfell, Beckenboden) Ausrichtung der Hals­‐, Brust­‐ und Lendenwirbel mit Gabriella Poli

Gabriella Poli




ESI Berlin
Bizetstr. 41
13088 Berlin

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